God is love
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. John 3:16-17
Love makes us do what is more than expected, and is the most powerful to share, it breaks limitation and create a bond of grace. God blessed us with His son Jesus Christ for us to be save from the bondage of sin; we may not deserve it cos of our sin but through His love we are save; this is the power of LOVE.
His love never weathered and never fails; He still spread out His grace and loving hands to save us at any time. Trading His Son for us to live and breakthrough from sin, sickness, limitation, death… est is the greatest let go of what someone can do.
This is a moment to believe that whatsoever we are looking unto God to do in our life’s, He is capable to do it, and He will surely do it if we trust in Him and accept His Son that was given to us by His love. For God to give His Son, He can do anything for your sake, mine sake and our sake; forget about deserving it but focus on His favor because God is love.
Prayer point
Oh Lord, grant me your unmerited favor and let me experience your unmerited mercy in the powerful name of Jesus Christ
Oh Lord, as I go out day after day, let your favor abound with me, grant me promotion beyond what I deserve, grant me success beyond what I can imagine, open the store house of heaven and bless me in due season, for the sake of Your love and Your Son, Jesus Christ
Oh Lord, I put forward my request and I trust in You to answer me; I may not deserve it but through your grace, unmerited favor and love, answer me and grant me my heart desire in the powerful name of Jesus Christ
Oh Lord, grant me unexplained breakthrough, unexplained blessing, unexplained healing, unexplained promotion, unexplained miracle; let my life experience divine uplift that I cannot explain how it was done in the powerful name of Jesus Christ